Playing with some new Twitter features: presence (who else is on Twitter right now?) and threading (easier to read convos)
sara haider
hey Twitter. we’ve been playing with some rough features to make it feel more conversational here. presence and reply threading. still early and iterating on these ideas. thoughts?
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Playing with some new Twitter features: presence (who else is on Twitter right now?) and threading (easier to read convos)
@pandemona Not a fan of presence in this kind of space so would prefer opt-in if it happens. The reply threading looks promising and could be a big improvement as long as there’s still a way to read a thread without interruption.
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在一起进行线程对话时,也存在一些设计上的问题。TC OG记者转VC M.G.Siegler不是粉丝UI的平顶。另一用户通缉看到更像iMessage的东西。